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At the beginning of the Baila Baila Viaje! Travelers will receive a “bolsa de viajero” (traveling bag) with essential traveler needs: Baila Baila Passport, pen, diary, currency of the country of the day (color photo copies).


Monday July 14th - Costa Rica

Tuesday July 15th - Peru

Wednesday July 16th - Ecuador

Thursday July 17th - Colombia

Friday July 18th - Cuba


Each day your child will be immersed into an amazing adventure that would take him/her to discover a new country.  Participants will learn about society, geography, currency, arts and gastronomy of five Spanish-speaking countries: Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Cuba. Tour guides will conduct the expedition completely in Spanish using many visual aids and creative techniques to guarantee comprehension and making everybody feel comfortable, while they enjoy the different activities!

All the materials used during our trips are child friendly and sanitized before each use. We supervised the kids while handling arts and craft tools, as well as cooking utensils,  to ensure safety.

Don’t you worry! Even when this camp is a total immersion in Spanish we will use visual aids and simple vocabulary, lots of repetition and association to ensure comprehension. We will try our best to never make the “travelers” feel intimidated and always make sure they are enjoying themselves and learning about the wonders of these 5 great countries.

An important part of traveling is learning about the currency of each country. We would like to introduce your children to money exchange and the value in relationship to the dollar. In addition, learning useful expression to teach them how to purchase their own souvenir.

During cooking activities participants will not be operating stoves nor any electronics. They will simply assemble their dishes previously cooked and prepared by the tour guides. We are peanut-free and all the products used during the camp are organic. Please make sure to inform us of any food allergies your kid may have.

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