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Our tour guides are trained for every eventuality and will make sure your children will safely go through their expedition and return home with nothing but great stories! We ask you to please fill out the enrollment form carefully providing us with vital information about your child that we will meticulously follow during our day camp.


Please pay special attention to any medical conditions and/or allergies that we should take into account. Provide us with all your contact information, you will be reached in case of any eventuality. Both of our tour guides have CPR certificates and will have your contact information available at all times.


Baila Baila Viaja is a 3 hours day camp from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm from July 14th - July 18th of 2014. Each camper is required to be enrolled in at least 3 out of the 5 days we offer.

The total cost per day is $65.00 and this include materials, lunch, refreshments and souvenirs.

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Please click here to purchase 3

days of the Baila Baila Viaja Camp:

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Please click here to purchase 5

days of the Baila Baila Viaja Camp:


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